Wednesday 17 July 2019

シェンゲン内長期就労ビザ滞在後の90日間ビザ無し旅について ③




「The Ministry of the Interior in Vienna has the honor to forward the following information:

Schengen area
Based on regulation (EG) Nr. 2018/1806 Japanese citizens are generally allowed to travel to the Schengen area without any visa and can stay for 90 days within a 180 days period.

If you have stayed in the Schengen area throughout for 90 days you must leave the Schengen are for 90 days before you can enter the Schengen area again for a period of 90 days within 180 days.

The passport must be valid at least 3 more months after the end of the intended travel and it must have been issued within 10 years.

The following countries are members of the Schengen Agreement:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland (Ireland and the United Kingdom are not a part form the Schengen area).

Regulation between Austria and Japan about stay another 180 days
Japanese citizens do not need a visa (an entry permit) to stay in Austria as either tourists or on a business trip for a period of up to six months as of the date of entry. (your stay in Hungary will not be counted as this 180 days period as it was under a Hungarian long term permit).

This is written in an old visa exemption agreement between Austria and Japan from the year 1958.

This regulation applies only for Austria. The entry or re-entry into the territory of any other Member State is not allowed.

However, any visa free stay which is longer than three months requires a direct entry to Austria from an airport outside the Schengen area and a departure from Austria to an airport outside the Schengen area.

Otherwise a visa from the respective Schengen country of departure may be necessary. For example: If a Japanese citizen holds a flight ticket from Vienna via Helsinki to Japan and if the Japanese citizen did stay in Austria longer than three (3) months, a visa issued by the Republic of Finland may be required. Please check with the Embassy of the respective country.

If you want to go back in your home country via a Schengen member state there is a problem. Perhaps you can take a return flight via airport Vienna or airport London to Japan.

In any case, the passport must be valid for three more months beyond the date of leaving Austria (and the Schengen zone) and the passport has to be issued within the past 10 years.

Please remember that, in general,  you are not allowed to take up any employment during your visa free stay. The possibility to enter Austria visa-free does not grant you the right to work there.」




二国間協定に関する返信で、この人が「up to six months as of the date of entry.」とわざわざ入国日というところを太字+下線にしていて、二国間協定では一度シェンゲン外から出て再度オーストリアに直接入らなくてはいけないということなので、やっぱりスイスの移民局が私が「シェンゲン域外に出ずに」と書いたのを、サラッと読み流して何も言及しなかっただけ可能性の方が高いな。と。



あと、この点に関しては後の話でも出てくるけど、この条約の話をする上で3ヶ月と90日って割と大きな違いだと思うんだけど、この人も、だいぶカッコ良く「three (3) months」って書いてしまう感じが、出入国管理で担当者の裁量で判断が変わってくる、管理厳しそうなのに、実際はだいぶ適当な感じを物語っているな。と。


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